On the edge of tomorrow
I debated this post internally, not wanting to lay my overly emotional cards for everyone to see on the table, but ah, what the heck. My job with RUF ends in just over 1 week. We have 1 large group meeting left, and probably a handful of lunch meetings with guys before they jump into finals. I can't get this thought out of my head: the Lord has allowed me into these students lives, and I have been blessed to be close to them. Now I look around the campus at Vanderbilt, and what to me were merely faces when I arrived almost 2 years ago, are now stories, realities, heartbreaks, struggles, and finally victories. The Lord has been very gracious to work through me in the hearts of these students. I do not merely hope that He has, He has. They tell me. Over the last week or so, I have received more complements from people other than Sarah than I have in my whole life. My friendship has meant much to them, and theirs more to me than they'll ever know. They have invited me into their lives, and in some way I now am (physically) making my way out. I have more than a suspicion that this won't be easy. People that you are close with don't just go away. Memories are overwhelming. Conversations are eerily present in my mind as if they were yesterdays.We need people. Be ye Christian or not, we need others. A gospel-driven, relational ministry like RUF will always be a shining light on the college campus because we are needy people. You need others in your life to love, confront, listen, challenge, endure, and enjoy life with. And if I have learned one thing over the last 2 years, I've learned that I do too. The Lord has given me Sarah and many other friends. And the Lord has given me 100's of students at Vanderbilt who I have needed to share my life with, and they have embraced me. And I am so thankful.