Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Alien

I was talking to some students before Christmas and this one senior guy told me about a study that he had been involved in at the Vanderbilt Medical Center where he was used as a test case for blood pressure medication and they paid him $200. The only qualifications to be used in the test is that you are healthy. So, thinking to myself, I am healthy, and I can always use $200, I went and volunteered for the study. They nurse called me back a few weeks ago and asked if I was still interested, I said yes. So she had me come in to get a thorough physical to make sure that I was indeed healthy. I got a strange call the day after the physical from the nurse saying that I had an elevated enzyme count in my liver and that I would need to come back in and get my blood tested again.

A little scared, but feeling quite well (at least physically speaking) I returned to the office to give some blood. They then called me later in the afternoon and told me that i needed to get to the doctor. My original enzyme count was a 78 (normal is from 4-40) and my new count was 212. AHHHH! What the crap is wrong with me.

I saw an internal medicine doctor and after she examined me, she explained that she found nothing, but that she wanted to have an ultrasound done just to make sure. If you have never had warm jelly rubbed on your stomach, I would advise either A) getting pregnant or B)faking a liver disease. Guys, I hope that you're good at faking. It was quite an experience, but again, they found nothing wrong. So today I sit after having given more blood yesterday, waiting on a call from my doctor's office to see where my blood levels are. I am convinced that I have a small alien living in me that I can't see or feel, nor can the ultrasound. But as for the test results, we'll see what they have to say about things...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Its been 1.5 months, and i still got nothing

If you are reading this, you are probably at least somewhat surprised to see that I have indeed, added another entry into this blog. It was the 1st of December when I last wrote, and here it is the middle of January and I am tired of fielding hate mail for not posting. So here I am, but I'm afraid I haven't alot to say. Unless of course you think 1)trying to find middle names for a guest list of a wedding 2)helping a fiance study physical therapy or 3)trying to live in a house that is the same temperature as the weather outside....is interesting.

About the last one, my roomates and I decided in December that it was finally time to turn on the gas in our house. We had been scared to face one of those bills b/c of the increase in natural gas prices this winter. But lo, we did it anyway. And lo, we got absolutely pounded with 9 days of gas for $120. I mean seriously, we didn't even keep our house that warm, it was maybe 70 degrees, maybe. So we turned the gas back off, and now have again resorted to space heaters in the bedrooms and kitchen. The trick is that you have to keep the doors to those rooms closed so that the air can re-circulate through the heater and actually heat itself up. So our bedrooms are about 68, and the rest of our house is 42. It doesn't exactly make for a very social atmosphere when everyone just comes home and goes into their room to remain alive.

Please leave comments indicating your middle name.