My Big Fat Bonus
At the end of 2 years of doing campus ministry, I got a bonus. It wasn't like the bonuses that I would get every 3 months at the, not at all. My bonus came last Wednesday night at RUF when I was handed a little box with tissue paper. I was given this by Stacey's wife Megan, and I figured that it would be a nice little goodbye gift with maybe a nice note.But when I went home I took away the tissue paper and found about 40 cards from students telling me why I was important to them. It was a big bonus, bigger than I ever could have hoped for. I spent the money that I made at the bank, but I have a feeling that I will save this bonus and that I will go back to it when I am feeling down and unimportant, and it will remind me that the Lord was gracious to use me in the lives of students over the past few years. Yeah, I'm sure I will look at these again. This bonus will last a long time. Why don't we write nice things to each other more often. Stick and stones may break my bones, but words have the power to change me.