How would you say.....Marriage?
What is the correct terminology if one wants to express the fact that they entered into an agreement to be married. Is it, I got engaged?(you're not actually getting anything) Or I am engaged?(a strong contender, imho) Or I have entered into engagement?(too long) I think for now, I will go with this....I am engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right, I'm getting hitched. The ole better half, tieing the knot, doing the deed, picking a broad. Whatever you want to call it, I am doing it. I asked Sarah Rathbone to marry me last night amidst a flurry of jumbled words. All I remember is that she said yes. She was so very surprised, it was wonderful. Details will be forthcoming in another post.....
Engagement is a stupid word. They should call it encagement. That is better. You are actually encaging yourself in a cage when you get encaged. My Uncle Lepry got encaged once. Too bad a possum was encaged with him. He nearly lost his thumb. No lie. Say, how come we don't refer to the thumb as a "thumb finger?" You have a pointer finger, a middle finger, a ring finger and a pinky. Furthermore, why don't they call it a pinky finger? The middle three are all functional titles. You point with one. One is in the middle (that is obvious). And you wear a ring on one. What is a thumb? Or a pinky? These are bad names. I think the thumb should be changed to Fat Finger. And the pinky should be changed to Last Tiny on the End Finger. Or maybe Pick Your Nose Finger. Or This Finger Breaks Easy Finger. Or There Is Nothing Pink About This Finger Finger. Or the Booger Flinger Finger. Or the Chicken Finger. Just like chicken tenders. Ever had a back tender? It is just like a chicken tender except it is made from the meat on people's backs. Pretty good. A little dry though.
What a comment, Jeremiah!! Yeep Haw! Keep em coming JP. Don't get worn out on me. Skippy!!
YEA Brent, welcome aboard the marriage train, woo woooooo!!!!
HOLY CRAP!!!! That is fantastic news Corbs. We all knew you could do it. Now, who is next? Matty Matt Sax????
How does one get married, when one is an intern?
Lordamercy... didn't know you were edging that way, my friend. Congratulations, though, yay!
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